
Saturday, December 29, 2007

congrats to Heather and Spencer ~ the second sustainablebabyish photo contest winners! i will run another photo contest for february & will accept 4 more photos for this contest. please get them in by january 15.

hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season ~ happy new year to you and your families! i made benjamin a pair of karate pants in our new color: graphite.

we also added green tea (second color in the photo). i'll be stocking again next friday, january 4.

xo erin

Friday, December 14, 2007

friday stocking report.

i'm not stocking this week, as i'd like to finish up a few more customs and a tote or two before the new year. ok, so i snuck in a fitted tote ~ shhh.

the winner of the first sustainablebabyish photo contest and the beginning of the second one (we are still recovering from the first one;)

okay, first of all, congratulations to ericka, the mother of the little cutie in photo #3, and winner of the first sustainablebabyish photo contest. next, big ups to everyone who sent me photos of their little ones. finally, thanks to all of you who cast votes--looking at the locations of all of the site's visitors was interesting. i am looking for an application to put a map view up on the blog too because i think it is a powerful reminder of just how large, diverse, and networked the cloth diapering community is. if anyone has a suggestion for that, let me know.
here are the entries--your kiddies--in the second sustainablebabyish photo contest. the poll will open at 5pm, after i have double checked with everyone that they submitted their photos. voting will begin on december 14 and will close on december 27th. please see previous posts for the *fine print*--basically that by sending your photograph, you consent to it being posted on sustainablebabyish. good luck to all of you! xo, erin

photo 1

photo 2

Photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

photo 6

photo 7

photo 8

photo 9

photo 10